Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chewing Therapy

The cold weather just won't break and the pups have really had it with all this being inside all the time. We have been trying different chew toys and treats to keep them occupied. One of their all time favorites are Merrick Flossies so we have been stocking up. Lola loves to lay next to me and chew away as the pictures above show. She sort of zones out and is quickly and peaceful. Moby usually starts with one chewy and quickly tries to steal Lola's, you can see from the picture above he is getting ready to take it. Doesn't he look like a little angel? Lola then cries til you get it back, you can see in the last picture she is just starting to get upset as Moby has not only stolen her chewy but her spot on the counch. Sibling rivalry!

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