The Piggies

Lola Jean

Lola came to live with us in late February 2009. She was my very first dog and the first pet C and I got together on our own. From the moment we brought her home she took over our lives! She never stopped moving and was constantly looking for something to do with us. She hated being alone, playing alone, eating alone, sleeping alone, you name it and she wanted us with her. It took a few months for her to settle into a routine and be left completely alone in the house (well I should say it took a few months for me not to freak out at the thought of leaving her alone). She went on many adventures with us since she was small enough to sit on my lap in the car, and loved to see new places. After about 5 months which included many trips to her favorite place - the dog park - we realized she needed a buddy. She loves other dogs and was never as exhausted and well-behaved as she was after a trip to the Ridgewood Duck Pond. So my quest for a sibling began. We decided fairly early on that our second puppy would not be a puggle, we learned from Lola that one is all you need. She seemed to gravitate towards pugs at the dog park so we started looking for a male pug companion for her. It took 4 months to find the perfect match for her...Moby Binks! In the meantime Lola started to calm down gradually. When we first got her we couldn't leave her with anyone because she was so crazy and we wanted people to actually come back to our house at some point. I brought her everywhere with me because I was afraid of the trouble she would get into alone.

Lola is very sensitive and unlike Moby reactives more intensely to the emotional environment around her. If I am anxious or having a bad day, she usually reacts similarly, on the other hand if you are sad there is no better comfort than her. She has her querks like watching television and freaking out if an animal is on the screen, screaming whenever we have friends over and running to fetch a toy to show off to them, and she loves to have Moby pin her on the ground and bite her and chase her.

Moby Binks

When we found out the breeder we got Lola from would have some available pug puppies we immediately headed over there to see them, this was early October 2009. Moby was available and so were 2 of his brothers. The second time we went back one of the brothers was taken, so it was between Mo and his slightly larger and quieter sibling. We played with both of them and actually had decided on the other brother because he was bigger and the little one was very noisy and whiney. We decided to take just a couple more days before putting down a deposit. When we went back we simply asked to see "the big boy" and out came Moby. Christian questioned me when I was holding him if it was the one we wanted and I of course said it was. We put a deposit down on the little guy and could come back in a few days once he got his final vet check up. When we went to pick him up we saw his brother next to him and realized Moby was not the one we had planned on getting. For a split second we debated saying something, but we had already fallen in love with Mo and there was no way we were trading in our little squeaker. It was the perfect mix up!
 Moby is very relaxed and happy like most pugs. He loves to sit on your lap with a toy or a chewy and is content to sit there for awhile. He loves to be snuggled and held like a baby when he sleeps at night, and will eat just about anything.

Bringing Moby home was stressful because we didn't know how Lola would react and at that point he only weighed 6 lbs (compared to her 22 lbs.). We had them meet at a local park by our house and I remember it was alittle chilly and windy that day. The moment Lola saw Moby she wouldn't leave him alone. She was constantly licking, nipping and chasing him around. The poor little guy was covered in slobber and he was getting cold. When we brought them home, Lola continued to pester Moby. We kept waiting for her to lose interest, or at least give him a few feet to just stand there without being bothered, but that didn't happen. The only time she left him alone was when he attempted to eat. After the first couple days I was a mess thinking we made a mistake because surely this little puppy must be suffering. I had a trainer friend stop by who assured me that Moby was enjoying the attention but that they should be separated from time to time so he could rest. So we created a safe little area she couldn't get into and he was able to nap and play on his own. Over time Moby became more and more confident and more and more dominant over Lola in alot of ways. Lola still bugs him alot and steals his toys, just like older sisters do but they are very bonded to one another. Moby is the perfect companion for Lola and she keeps him active and occupied.