Monday, November 29, 2010


Lola has recently decided that my sister's old teddy bear blanket is now hers. Here are some pics of her and Moby cuddling in together as we are getting ready to go out.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tired Baby

I finally was able to take some pictures of Lola resting after a whole bunch of exercise. Usually when I am home she is non-stop moving, but once in awhile she will take a seat on the recliner and relax awhile.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Always Waiting

Whenever Daddy goes upstairs, for any reason, Moby sets himself up on the foot rest and patiently waits for his return because he's convinced he's going to get a yummy treat. Usually he does since its hard to resist that little mug!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Enjoying the Fall Weather

Now that the weather has finally decided its definitely fall, the pups have been enjoying the cooler weather and playing in the layer of leaves on the ground. Moby in particular loves to run through the piles of leaves along the sidewalk on our daily walks.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

He Still Doesn't Like His Sweaters

Moby is typically a very happy boy until you put on his harness and collar, and especially when you put on a shirt or sweater. As soon as he has a shirt on he lays on the ground wherever you are to show you just how unhappy he is. Once he is outside he's perfectly happy again but his initial reaction to wearing anything is absolute misery. Hopefully he gets used to it because its going to be a long winter.