Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Allergic Reaction

Sensitive Lola has yet another mysterious allergic reaction. Her right eye blew up as you can see from the pictures and she also broke out in small red hives all over her body. My amazing step-sister vet gave her a mega antihistamine and as steroid injection which seemed to the do the trick. A few doses of Benadryl later and she's all better. The worst part of all was that she just wasn't herself, she was clearly irritated and uncomfortable, and didn't have much energy. After her shots she came home and took a long nap. Hopefully it doesn't happen again but if it does we are prepared with Benadryl at home. Poor Lola, it's always her!

Below is a picture from her first reaction which we think might have been caused by an insect bite. You can see the left side of her face was swollen and drooping pretty bad. She looked so sad!

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