Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A List of Misbehaving

(<-- Lola looking extra guilty, although I can't remember what for at the moment) Last night while attempting to clean up a bit I had to put the dogs in the bedroom otherwise they would attack the vacuum like it was a beast from hell come to slaughter us all. So, I had them in there for quite awhile because I got caught up but I could see Moby through the slots of the door and hear him crying to come out so I didn't pay too much attention. Lola on the other hand.....she was quiet and out of site...therefore up to no good. Sure enough when we let them out we found a wake of destruction from Lolly Girl. She took out her anger at being locked away on a blu-ray movie and a Playstation 3 controlled that were on the tv stand. Since we didn't catch her in the act there was no point in getting mad at her. So I started thinking about the abundance of things that have been destroyed since bringing home the pups (but I must say that Lola is much more of the destructive chewing type whereas Moby just like to the walls) so I thought I would share a list:

- 3, yes 3, Blu-tooth headsets
- 2 Playstation 3 wireless controllers
- 1 XBOX 360 wireless controller
- our last couch (in their defense it was used and god only know the enticing scents they picked up on it)
- our Scarface Collections Edition DVD case
- a couple Playstation game cases
- A Blu-ray movie
- 2 laundry baskets
- countless stuffed toys
- 2 pairs of my pj pants
- 2 supposed "no pull" harnesses
- a million pairs of socks (ok maybe not a million)
- a bunch of magnets I had made that were on our fridge, one was a picture of me and C that Lola scratched up, and another that was a picture of Lolly that made her very angry
- any shoes they can sink their teeth into
- my car upholstery will never be the same thanks to thousands of little pug needle hairs permanently stuck in the fabric
- 2 Steelers hats
- 3 fairly deep holes in the dry wall thanks to Moby and his hatred of being locked out of a room where something is going on
- the carpet in our bedroom which they love to pull on
- the paint on our bedroom door

I tried to find a picture of Mo where he looked even slightly remorseful or guilty for having done something wrong and have come to the conclusion I have none! I am now convinced that Moby never really feels guilty or even cares when he gets caught being naughty. Mostly he just runs away and finds something else to occupy him, OR he puts on his cutest little sad face so you feel bad for yelling at him because he's so pathetic.

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