Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No Easy Task

Today I let the dogs run around the backyard for awhile and planned to take some action shots of them playing. For the 3 seconds I turned my back to get something Moby managed to pee all over my camera case! Luckily the camera itself was spared but I will be purchasing a new case tomorrow, needless to say. After that he decided to dig a big hole in the garden and stick his face as deep in it as he could resulting in a face of dirty rolls. Meanwhile Lola managed to completely soil her back legs....so it magically became BATH NIGHT! Normally we give them a bath one at a time but I was on my own tonight and couldn't bare to go through the ordeal twice so I decided to do a double bath session. They were surprisingly well behaved and somehow I managed to get through it unscathed.

Waiting to get started, dirty feet all over the place.

Not happy to be waiting to get out of the shower. It was at this point I realized I would have to dry both of them off and get them down to our level of the house while wet and crazy!

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