Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Moby!

Today is Moby's 1st Birthday! I can't believe that my little munchkin is 1 already. Saturday night we celebrated with some friends at home and Moby received several cute gifts: a yellow doggie toy, a hamburger that squeaks, his favorite chewy bones, a stuffed frog and a ball with a bell inside that he keeps rolling around thinking food will drop out of it. The party ran pretty late and the dogs were up til around 2AM, so needless to say they were exhausted and well behaved yesterday. The dogs enjoyed chicken and vanilla ice cream as a treat. Thanks to all for coming and the sweet gifts!

Today Moby was treated to a rotisserie chicken for dinner and received his gifts from Lola and us - a new stuffed toy with plastic stuffing that he already loves to shake around, new treats, and a new Flossie!

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