Friday, August 20, 2010

Stretched Out

Typically after a good run around the backyard the pups are pretty wiped out and come in for a nice nap. Lola usually finds a spot to stretch out her tired legs and relax.

Moby doesn't even make it in the house before he's pooped some days.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Such a goofy girl

Lola tends to provide endless laughs since she is such a playful goofball. I found this picture of her chewing on a very large bones stretched out awkwardly across one of her beds. It looks more like she collapses rather than set herself up like this.

The first time I tried to feed Lola a frozen carrot as a treat she mostly gummed it, shreded it alittle bit and then spit it out all over herself.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meeting the Pups

Above are pics from their very first day home. I had trouble finding a picture of Moby alone since Lola harassed him every second on his existence for the first few weeks.

We got both Moby and Lola from the same local breeder, but both were listed on before we found them. Below are the pics from the internet.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

When will summer end?

Even though today wasn't very hot, I am done with the summer. I was looking through old pics and found some from last winter. So, to cool off enjoy these snowy photos.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hand Me Downs

When we first got Moby we didn't really prepare as much as we did for Lola in regards to toys and outfits. Lola walked into a house full of baby pink toys and girlie sweaters and t-shirts. Moby ended up wearing alot of Lola's puppy clothes for the first few months of winter since it was hard to find things that would fit him.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It Only Looks and Sounds Mean

I have mentioned before that in the house Lola is more of dominant over Moby and that outside Moby is the King. Well, here is alittle video of what I mean. Although it sounds vicious and looks painful, Lola absolutely loves to be chased by her brother and rough housed. I can attest that he doesn't bite hard because of his flat face. They do this everytime they are outside and Lola always has a big smile the whole time.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Walk at the Duck Pond

Today it was considerably cooler than its been so we decided to take the dogs to the Ridgewood Duck Pond to walk along the trail and we like to let them walk down by the stream and smell around. We didn't make it to the 0.5 mile marker before they were both beat. They passed out in the car so it was a pleasant ride home.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lola Girl

Lola loves to jump up into our computer chairs and sit like a pretty little girl. Usually she just tries to eat things off the desk but sometimes she just wants to sit and have her picture taken.

It's back to 90+ degrees plus heavy humidity again and the pups are not happy. I took them out this evening and they only lasted about 5 minutes before I had to take them inside. Lola was panting heavily and coughing to catch her breathe. Moby tends to handle the heat better than Lola surprisingly but I get nervous with his flat face and pugs tendency to have serious breathing issues. Tomorrow is going to be even warmer and humid so another day and night in the house. Hopefully this heat wave breaks so we can enjoy the outdoors again.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Moby!

Today is Moby's 1st Birthday! I can't believe that my little munchkin is 1 already. Saturday night we celebrated with some friends at home and Moby received several cute gifts: a yellow doggie toy, a hamburger that squeaks, his favorite chewy bones, a stuffed frog and a ball with a bell inside that he keeps rolling around thinking food will drop out of it. The party ran pretty late and the dogs were up til around 2AM, so needless to say they were exhausted and well behaved yesterday. The dogs enjoyed chicken and vanilla ice cream as a treat. Thanks to all for coming and the sweet gifts!

Today Moby was treated to a rotisserie chicken for dinner and received his gifts from Lola and us - a new stuffed toy with plastic stuffing that he already loves to shake around, new treats, and a new Flossie!