Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Whenever I am on my computer, aka ignoring the pups in their minds, both of them like to sit at my feet and give me the sad eyes in hopes I cave and pick one of them up. I try my hardest to resist but usually I give in at some point giving them each a turn to sit on my lap and check out the computer. Usually they just look to see if I have any goodies they can steal on the desk.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laying Around

Just a few shots I snapped on my phone of the puggies resting together. They are best buds.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rolls A-Plenty

One big difference between Lola and Moby is the amount of skin they each have, especially around their faces. Lola has a sleaker neck and chest for the most part, while Moby has roll after roll of skin to deal with. I always laugh when Mo tries to turn just his head to see whats going on behind him because the rolls actually resist his movement and sight. He doesn't really seem to mind but I think its cute and one of his rare goofy faces.